Sunday, 14 April 2013

Just Be You

Hello again, I know this post is a bit later than usual but school is kind of crazy at the moment, which I am not using as an excuse just something I wanted to inform you of. I’m sure if you have read some of my previous posts you would understand that my posts tend to revolve around a quote that has inspired me. This posts quote is ‘Just Be You’ which is something that I have always heard people talk about. I used to zone out and not really consider the importance of being myself; I knew I never pretended to be someone else just because of who I was around.

  Being you is a scary thing and finding the right people to be yourself around is even harder, if anyone knows that it’s me.  I have changed group multiple times for a lot of different reasons form moving schools to disagreements. I’m happy that I have had to experience this because I have really learnt from my decisions. This is a part of life everyone has to go through, if you are on this journey, please do whatever makes you happy. It can be difficult if moving friendship groups mean you leave a lot of friends behind who, have changed and you can't see the friend that they used to be.  But people grow apart and develop as individuals. Meeting new people and friends is a part of growing up.

  Going back to the quote ‘Just Be You’ one of the challenges you need to face is being happy with who you are.  Confidence is a hard one to conquer but I finally got a sprinkle J This was due to many reasons but surrounding myself with people who made me feel special was the most important part. When you find someone who makes you feel amazing and loved, don’t let them go. This person (or a collection of people) can be a friend, family member or a significant other but whoever they are hold on to them.

  By keeping these special people in my life close it really allowed me to open up and talk to people about my feelings and troubles. One of my closest friends was someone I never even knew until one day she was sitting on her own in my GCSE music class. Since we started talking we clicked straight the way, she was someone I could tell anything too and trust indefinitely. Even though we never were part of the same group, her friendship to me meant the world.  Another close friend was someone I had been to school with for years but never really spoken with. We both instantly clicked and now all three of us are so close it makes me happy every time I see them, I just hope they understand how much they mean to me. Over these past three years in particular, friendship means more to me than it ever has. When you face a challenge in life, the friends who are always there for you and provide the ice cream are your true friends. Of course the ice cream isn’t vital but as a girl who has faced these challenges it always helps.

  When you find your true friends, most of mine I have bonded with due to classes and similar passions. It makes you feel happier and more confident in who you are; I think it’s the acceptance of being completely vulnerable around these people. I am personally a very emotional person which my friends will know well. I get way too nervous for things and panic when things aren’t organised. But I have people around me who support me to no end which allows me to cry if I need to and be a complete loon I can be.

  There is one last person who has really changed who I am for the better over the past six months or so. I’m not going to go all soppy and lovey dovey about it all, but he’s my best friend and someone I can be vulnerable around whenever I need to be. I know people debate about love and how I may be too young to know what it is. But I love him, no matter what anyone says or thinks, it’s true he is my first love.

 The one message I hope you took from this was that being yourself is scary, but finding the right people who bring out the best in you is the most important step to take. So find them and never, ever let go.

I hope you enjoyed reading this and I shall post again next week, no excuses this time. Bye for now, Love Phoebe Eve <3

Monday, 1 April 2013

Aim for the moon because even if you fall, you'll land among the stars

Hello Welcome back to my little blog I hope you enjoyed my first one I am really getting into using the memory jar. I am rather excited to open it and see all these memories from over the year that I experienced. Also today is April 1st and I have taken my first photo of a cake that I baked for my family, I thought it was worth a little snap. Sadly I haven’t taken part in any April fools, I may have to plan one for later. One last thing before we crack on, happy easter! I hope yours was as lovely as mine.

One of my earlier Easter gifts

  Now onto my new subject for my new post, I have been thinking about how to start theming these posts and a special someone came up with the idea to use a different quote every week for my theme. Which I thought was brilliant, as long as it’s a quote that affects me and perhaps inspires me in some way. This week’s quote is in the photo below ‘Aim for the moon because even if you fall, you’ll land among the stars’.


  The reason this quote really sticks out to me is because it gives me faith that anything is possible as long as you aim high. I have very high aspirations which I think is a very good thing; even though I may be told that they are unachievable, I stick to my guns. Over the past year I have grown as a person, changed friendship groups and have finally become happy with who I truly am. I always felt that drama was an escape but it helped me become more confident. There is nothing better than hearing the audience applaud after a performance especially if it’s one you created.

   One genre of drama that I was always jealous that my cousin would do seamlessly was comedy; he is very natural with various accents and can play the most hilarious yet convincing old man I have ever seen someone do. But looniness aside, it always came very naturally to him and one day he asked me why I seemed so funny outside of class and then when it came to class I would hide away. As soon as I was told this I decided to really go for things more and I appreciate him saying it to me because I feel like I can now make others laugh with my complete weirdness. When we were told to experiment with Bercovian theatre (Stephen Berkoff style performance) I really broke out of my little box and just thought, I may look completely insane but I should try it anyway. It turns out I am rather convincing as inanimate objects, as Bercovian theatre includes actors playing objects. I had to play a lamppost, washing machine, a saloon style door and many more. From finally breaking from my shell I honestly feel that I can accomplish my dreams of becoming a professional actor.

I know it’s a hard choice and isn’t easy, but why should I stop before I have even attempted my dreams? That’s why I don’t understand negative people, of course I am not always jumping up and down with positivity, especially when I have just realised it’s a Monday. I like many others am not a fan of those mornings. But we get on with it and find the best in every day; well at least I try to. I hear people say that it’s a pipe dream and the competition is hard but what if the ‘competition’ is actually not that scary and maybe, a very big maybe, I can beat them.  This quote really inspires me to not only keep a hold of my big aspirations, wishes and dreams but also spurs me on for everyday life. I want to keep pushing myself for something that is bigger than me, I really would love it if in some way, shape or form I inspired someone. If I could touch inspire someone to try something they haven’t or to follow their dreams that would be amazing. I feel blessed and inspired by a lot of people and I think from surrounding myself with great friends and a pretty awesome guy who makes me feel special every day, my dreams can become a reality.

   I am going to stop myself rambling on because I do have infinite babbling abilities. I hope you enjoyed this and it made you happy or made you feel like your dreams no matter what they are or how small and large they may seem are achievable. So go for it and I wish you luck!

Bye for now, love,

Phoebe Eve J <3