Overall I think about going shopping and treating myself way more than I ever do. I just don't make time for it. Or put any time aside to pamper myself for the day. I just go about doing my routine.
I work quite a lot and I just put my money into a savings account and rarely see the money I earn. However recently I had a complete hair disaster and eventually it went green!!
I was so upset and so glad I didn't have anything coming up which required me to look even mildly presentable. So obviously I had to get it sorted or I would risk looking like I was ready to audition for Wicked. I booked in at a local salon and was so excited to finally feel like myself again.
It was the one day of the week I didn't have work so I got an early appointment mainly due to the excitement of feeling like myself again. After the appointment I felt like Carrie Bradshaw from Sex In the City the movie when she dyes her hair brown. I have never felt that confident before in my appearance, ever! So I decided with my day off to go to a local shopping centre and I came out with a few new things ready for my holiday.
The whole day was brilliant and I was on cloud nine! I realized that taking some time out to just do a few things like having your hair done or buying something new can change your outlook completely. I have felt like I belong in Sex In the City ever since and I can't express enough how much better it is than feeling like you belong on a broom with a crazy cat by your side.
Thank you for reading my ramblings and just try and find some time for yourself this week!
Phoebe Eve